Someones Attractive Cousin

So brave.

Operation Human Shield was a resounding success.

I think most retro collectors have come to realize this which is why the price of old Saturn games have gone through the roof.

First wave of Playstation games haven't aged well either.

I don't know, I just figured it to be a holiday thing.

Make it come with a Super Game Boy slot, and then it would be perfect.

That's definitely a theory why Nintendo isn't producing more of these. They were trivially
easy to mod. Even an inexperienced user can do a couple simple things
and have basically a NES-only Raspberry Pi loaded with hundreds of games
on this device. It's sort of like Nintendo designed and sold an ultra

What rumors, wasn't just going to a limited run thing to begin with?

*Sean O’Neal hooks his thumbs on the straps of his overalls*

They're probably owned by some ghastly conglomerate with a name like Omnivision, or something.

Is Alec itching to have someone land a plane on his house?

Pointless award ceremony makes pointless change.

I'm sure all those skinheads just quake in their boots when Bogira gets behind the keyboard. Empty platitudes kills fascism don't cha know?

"She's" obviously just an uninformed dumbass. I'm sure "circling the wagons" was used in a Salon article recently, and like a good useful idiot she can't help but parrot it.

I guess that Sofia Coppola version isn't happening.

U wot m8?

He's leaving to harass people on twitter full time.

Maybe it's because he has a point.

So getting defensive about being lumped in whole hardheartedly with bigots and fascists over what amounts to cherry-picked anecdotes is something I should feel bad about? That's a fine kafkatrap you got there. Challenging your broad brush accusations of being an "apologist" is not proof of any sort of collusion or

I try not to think about anything past season 11 or so.