Someones Attractive Cousin

Definitely, I don't think most people here are gonna disagree Nazism is bad.

Did you mean to reply to me?

So none then.

You trying to shame an entire genre and it's fans through guilt by association is not social pressure it's you being an uninformed dumbass.

How many nazis have you personally driven out of anything, sweetheart?

"C'mon guise stop doing nothing and just let me slander you! Like, if you don't burn your Burzum albums, like WWIII is totally gonna happen. It's totally you're responsibility to stomp out obscure bands no one knows about because civil liberities!!1!" #bashthefash

Communism is way more than "just economics", but hey what's a few genocides and mass starvations among comrades?

Bowie never did the Nazi salute that's a myth that's been debunked numerous times, there is footage of the purported event that proves journalists were just pulling it out of their asses.


"We're just two white guys talking about whitewashing…"

This dude is the living embodiment of trying too hard.

I love when people blame South Park for current voter apathy, and not you know shitty candidates and parties that are growing ever farther away from the people they claim to represent.

They only have that reputation from humorless hyper-partisans, they don't have to take a side it's their show and their call. Nobody is stopping you from watching SNL.

Nah. That's just you, love.

That explains so much.

I'm not neither happy or sad he's gone, at the end of the day he was just another politician. I'm not optimistic for the future under a Trump presidency, but I'm sure not going to pretend that the last 8 years was some kind of golden age for democracy. The constant morning over the election has gotten tiresome.

She'll have just enough time to lose to Malia in 2036.

Oh it would if everybody would just listen to Lena Dunham and stop being so sexist!

I'll defend Spice World, not as a great movie by any means, but it's a great comedic romp. It's definitely aware of how ridiculous it is.

No this is Univision!