Someones Attractive Cousin

Yeah but since when has the AV Club been the "right website" for viewing a politician's vacation photos? Great Job, Internet gets vaguer every year.

Haha, paging Nicholas Cage..

Too bad it didn't end with the kids being eaten.

They're great popcorn flicks, but damn this last one was just pure lazy film making.

So two hours of opening doors and looking for keys. Also more full motion video!

C+ seems right but at the same time way too generous. I've always been able to enjoy these films on a mindless level, but damn it really seems like they didn't try with this one. Plot holes as big as the Raccoon City crater, not to mention the retconning of the entire series, but it was a good popcorn flick if you can

It's up there with Mortal Kombat (also a Paul WS Anderson film) for me.

That's Milo Ventimiglia? Ouch.

Gen-Xers so bitter that all you had growing up was Pinwheel and ColecoVision. Also Pavement is boring.

Be gone wannabe! Be gone!

Booty Butt, Booty Butt
Booty Butt Cheeks!

Is SNL reliving it's early 80s period all over again, this wasn't even enjoyably bad, just painfully boring and unfunny. All the talent seems to have left both the stage and the writing room.

My god she is such a dumbass.

As long as there has been good movies there's been shit movies. If anything is killing the medium it's the film/theater industry that has made it impossible for movies to be successful if they don't make back their money 10 fold, because movie budgets now have to be more than the entirety of the GDP of a small country.

It wasn't an invasion we're just visiting, Novorossiya Crimea is the same as it ever was.

But there is such a thing as being completely oblivious.

No, it's because the character is Tibetan, and you can't acknowledge Tibet or Tibetans if you want your film to play in China.

Blackstar definitely album of the year.

Unfortunately I think the time for that has passed, this guy and his ilk are the new gaming media.

Kelly Rowland.