Someones Attractive Cousin

It's just the further BuzzFeedification of this website at play.

Have you guys just completely given up on the pre-tense of being a pop culture website.

Was it really worth creating multiple accounts to repost this again and again, Dickachu?

Just a question not an attack on you or anything, but where does this idea that Matt and Trey are dyed in the wool libertarians come from? Matt I can definitely see, has he seems to be someone who definitely hates the type of limousine liberals that infect California, but Trey seems to be more apolitical than

Delete your account.

Hillary was a bit shit. We wasted the nomination on her, and now we have Biff Tannen as president.

A bomb sniffing pig attempts to get up in Mrs. Clinton's snatch what's not like.

South Park has been political, its funny get over it. ;)

Yeah but Taylor ain't no Al B. Sure!

Season 18 was at least partially serialized, but yeah I agree.

Oh I remember Mohammad he was fantastic!

I'm guessing had Clinton won, Garrison's story would of had him waging some batshit coup under the spell of the memberberries, while concurrently showing the war between the girls and boys back at South Park elementary giving Eric and Heidi's relationship more drama. That being said I have no idea where the Danish and

So what your saying is flapper haircuts and hot jazz music is back? Awesome.

Florida Man strikes again!

Not going to pretend this season was great but it had its moments, but overall it made for a very confusing viewing experience. Like most shows it'll probably play better when watched back to back.

We're doing our part.

Or hot garbage in the summer.

I could see the Cramps having a song with that title.

Beats me, but maybe—if we act just a little bit more smug about it we can wish into existence!

Well, I did have you to lead by example <3