Someones Attractive Cousin

It's an urban variation of "Sir".

That's a nice Kafka Trap you got there.

Exactly social issues are important, but you can't ask that people that don't have jobs and don't know where there next meal is coming from to prioritize the speculative feelings of people who make up less than 1% of the population.

I don't have a problem with it, and I'm not upset because I actually got who was the butt of the joke, The Democratic Party.

No she didn't, she couldn't be bothered apparently.

God I hope you don't work for the DNC.

Which explains why you don't have any friends.

Yeah let's not bother to try an discuss anything with people who don't think exactly like us and who don't use our list of pre-approved words! We're totally adults and we totally don't act like the conservatives we claim to hate.

It's amazing that the comments on the Deadspin (a former Gawker site!) article also discussing this very bit (also owned by the AV Club's parent Univision) would have the more level-headed adult discussion going on.

NUH UH! it's the Bernie Bros fault!

No, but it opens the door for you to make an Academy Awarding Powerpoint presentation.

Eh. I didn’t laugh at it, but I certainly don’t find it problematic as the author of this piece did.

Really, why? A forced apology isn't sincere. It's not his fault if you chose to take a joke a certain way. Aren't there greater battles to be fought right now.

No thank you, Mr. Gelman.

WHAT WHAT WHAAT! I can't believe how much I've missed Sheila Broflovski.

Yawn. Go back to Salon.

What a tease, Sean you scan in a page of your yearbook, but don't show us your Senior photo?

Your still on Friendster right?

Mr. Mackie was definitely the MVP of this episode.

I'm thinking more a Babysitters Club situation, but yeah thatd be a great storyline.