Someones Attractive Cousin

Wendy will always be his continuing source of inspiration.

This is shitck right? Or are you really that dense. An abused person removing themselves from the situation is not kowtowing to the abuser, its safeguarding until the situation can be dealt with effectively.

Haha that's the best description of that song I've ever read. Perfect.

He's still not over Awesome-o…

I'm gonna remain cautiously optimistic about this. I'm just glad to Mulder and Scully back on television, even if it's just a miniseries.

Yeah the movie is pretty lame as a whole, but the soundtrack is so killer.

I second this, Let's Dance may be a pop record, but it's a still a Bowie record through and through. It's still weird and arty, I mean "Ricochet" and "Criminal World" are not pop tunes, not to mention thematically it's still in the same vein as Lodger and Scary Monsters. That record gets way too much shit thrown at

That's great. I figured satellite radio would be more on the ball, the shit radio stations (barring NPR) in my area didn't even mention his passing at all. I've seen nothing on any of the music channels here either, which is funny cause when Whitney and MJ died MTV/VH1 took at least a small break to mention something

I feel the same, I've been sitting on the album for over a week now. How do approach something like that?

It's bittersweet, that it took his death to get him a #1 album in this country. Glad to see the US public is paying attention, while radio/MTV are to preoccupied with the usual garbage.

Really, I think it's one of his best covers. Perfectly fits the tone of the album.

Agree, the Lodger album as a whole is criminally underrated.

Yeah they came up with the riff for a cover of The Flares' "Footstompin'" that he was doing in concert at the time.

Same, makes sense.

This album has definitely become the 70s Bowie album I've come to revisit the most. Such a gorgeously produced album, with something to new to discover with each listen. There's this underlying tension to the whole the whole album that's smoothed over under with the beautiful funky arrangements. Win and Can You Hear

Still have this on Genesis.

Bowie was has basically been my musical/cultural north star since I've been 14 years old. I've discovered so much about music, movies, art, theater, fashion, and even history from his work. He's been such an enlightening presence in my life for so long, more than half the bands, film directors, artists, and authors

There's a Bowie blog called Pushing Ahead of the Dame, that examines his work song by song, and pre-The Next Day there was a running joke by the author there that this would have to be his final entry. Thankfully that wasn't the case, but it would of been pretty amusing.

Seriously, don't play Bowie any other time. Fine. But now if there was ever a time to be celebrating one of the greatest catalogs of rock music ever, it's now. I don't need to hear "Back In Black" for the millionth time. If someone of Bowie's stature can't get any, then who is deserving. Even the top-40 stations were

None of the stations in my area are playing him either and honestly it's getting irritating. The only thing I've heard was a completely aloof NPR report, and some shock jocks joking about Keith Richards.