It's profitable it's that's what your established fan base has come to expect from you.
It's profitable it's that's what your established fan base has come to expect from you.
CounterCounterpoint: Much Ado About Nothing was garbage, Serenity and Firefly are not as good as the internet thinks.
I've always found Whedon's credentials as Hollywood's progressive male feminist to be incredibly suspect. He's always struck me as an opportunist, and any opportunity to flex his identity politics is done for purely economic reasons. He knew that Jurassic World would prove a challenge to Age of Ultron's buzz/box…
Excuse me, but "proactive" and "paradigm"? Aren't these just buzzwords
that dumb people use to sound important? Not that I'm accusing you of
anything like that.
I gonna respectfully disagree, I find Spielberg's Spielbergian touches to be somewhat of a determent. Honestly if you got rid of the children's characters, Jurassic Park would be a perfect Action-Adventure movie. Even as a child I fucking hated those kids (TURN OFF THE FUCKING LIGHT, IT'S A T-REX YOU DUMBASS!), and…
Please tell me this has been uploaded somewhere!
Ugh, way to completely fabricate everything about my home state, you fat, balding, ginger, tub of goo. I'm glad I gave up on this unfunny navel-gazy circle jerk of a show.
Nothing can kill the Grimace
Inner city,
Inner city pressure
What have we done to deserve this?
I love the PSB, and basically everything they did between 84-93 is basically unimpeachable.
Don't feel bad, neither have I. Him and Sonia, have been some of the better purges from this site.
Yeah he's really trying to make that connection happen, it was true then it's not true now, stop it Todd.
Jin Yang is on fucking fire this season
*celebratory smoke*
Quarters! A million allowances worth of quarters! No slugs or tokens.
Oh God, Nabins back?
Ugh, that yellow/black/white bumpers bring back so much crappy sitcom PTSD for me. I can't believe there was a time in my life when I was dependent on network television for entertainment.
I don't have really anything to add, just that I really love this show, I'm glad at least one show came along to fill the comedy void in my life after P&R ended.
He's got a wide brow, probably from generations of race mixing with Laplanders!
He's not exactly wrong, but I'd argue it goes much farther than a widespread embracing of geekdom (although that definitely has played a part), modern western culture has a whole has become incredibly infantilizing. The never ending nostalgia market, adults crying over Pixar films, network television taken over by…