Someones Attractive Cousin

I've never understood the animosity towards this episode, it's fucking brilliant. It's probably the most clever fourth-wall breaking the show ever did. All you pearl-clutching Sincere Susans who hate this episode can go curl up to your copies of "Lisa's Substitute" and cry into your sweaters. I personally love how

That improvident lackwit! Always too busy strutting around his Atom Mill to renew his contract.


Ugh, Weinstein bringing his kids on the commentary was such a douche move. As much shit as David Mirkin gets for his commentaries at least he never brought his kids to screw things up.

Unlikely, sir. They spell and pronounce their names differently.

His actions embiggen us all.

Not Lenny!

I know I'm about 2 years late to this, but I've been on a Christopher Guest kick lately and I didn't and still don't have HBO. It's a shame HBO saw to kill this and Enlightened, but threw their weight behind trite garbage like Looking and Girls, and the less said about Entourage the better. Shame will never get a

What's wrong with being sexy?

Every preview of this makes it out to be the most tedious thing ever, why would anybody want to watch a melodrama about helicopter parents freaking out about their boring trite lives. Uma Thurman must really need the cash.

God what a douche.

Meh. This parody from the actual 90s still works better. Less on the nose too.

I do…

We didn't all go to Gudger College!

Queen of the Harpies!

Man, Nathan Rabin got really nasty there towards the end.

Wait for Disqus to time out?


Shut it down, we have the winner.
