Someones Attractive Cousin

"Recall that, only a few months prior to this writing, an entire cable network was pulled out of obscurity when it borrowed this phrasing"

How ya doin’ Gertie?

Way to embiggen your argument.

Dr. Richard Nygard is a saint!

Probably didn't help that almost every character on the Office was a awful self-centered asshole, that show didn't deserve it's happy ending. Except Creed, he's the best.

Exactly why I love Parks and why it stands apart. It's nice that there's a comedy where everything isn't some meta comment, or where everyone is a huge asshole to each other.

Tammy would be a better name for an oil refinery or a strip mine.

This would of never happened if the world had embraced Norbit has the timeless masterpiece it is.

"It's the Palisades bro!"

Greatest event in television history, I think so.

In a more perfect reality, Ol Gags would be a lowly caterer on Nomis 2014 World Tour.

That Bowie always a trendsetter.

I'm Jazzin' for those Blue Jeans.

Wonder if Kanye's gonna rip him off again?


Oh Glee, has any show ever gone to shit as fast as you did?

"What… what… is it? I… [laughs] You… It's
the-the-the-the… the-the questions… you ask so many, of these, of
these, of these, these-these questions, that-that-that-that you
keep asking f-for me… for-for-for-f-for, sh-should-should-should,
should I, should I, should I? Sh-should-should the, should the, should

That's what Schoolhouse Rock is for.

The more I read about this, the more wonder what's the point. With all the work thats going in to revamping it from the original 2, why couldnt they of maybe thought up a completely new story. Why drag down the original movies with such a gimmicky, try hard reboot. By hitching it to an existing property, its never

Has he completely given up on Fruitcake getting made?