
Wow, Niki and Paulo. That's the best comparison to Lower Decks I've ever heard.

He's also been on Curb Your Enthusiasm and the Wonder Years. Yup, he pretty much defines 90's TV.

Then you must have loved Hollow Pursuits.

Sigh, I always hated Lower Drecks. It combines whiny young people with the "bring in someone new to spice things up on a withering show" trope that worked so well with Oliver, Olivia, and Sam in there respective 70's/80's sitcoms. And they even throw in a little bit of Muppet Babies. Ben is obviously tiny Guinan (he's

There was also Serova in Force of Nature. But she is pretty forgettable.

Wow. Apparently Brannan Braga named the supernaturally horny Felicity Howard after his own grandmother who had just passed on: http://en.memory-alpha.org/…

If you hate spin off type episodes then you'll hate Lower Decks next week.

Fist Full of Datas

Yes, but if you have a boy and he marries a girl then their kid will have her mt not your wifes. See what I mean? Only if they keep having girls will the mtDNA chain remain unbroken.

Yes, it seems impossible that that straight a line of mitochondrial descendants could be created in nearly a millennium.  

Considering Nick Meyer brought back Khan you may want to rethink that statement.

Unten! Unten Spot! Unten ist gut!

Wouldn't season 8 of TNG just be Voyager? That's where a lot of their unused scripts went.

@avclub-cd4e651a08c8504d50cc18e7fa79264c:disqus don't bother. I saw the pilot and stopped. From what I've read it hasn't improved at all.

This is true. When I read the reference to TPS I thought (and still think) he meant it as the fact that the Preservers transplanted a dying culture. But it also shows that the Enterprise was actually damaged trying to active stop the asteroid which flies in the face of this.

I LOLed.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Bev and Dee talking about enjoying a good fuck is kind of fun, a la a kind of Sex and the Star Ship. Sub Rosa is perverse in a way that may make you squirm but makes you glad it happened just because its so over the top.

If they had been looking for a way to save these people from the beginning instead of self righteously watching them die on a big screen TV this wouldn't be too bad an episode. And if the holodeck didn't work the idea of assimilating them should have been on the table.

Oh fucking Jesus Christ. I think Homeward is the worst TNG episode ever. Episodes like Sub Rosa, or Phantasms, or even Angel One may be stupid, but they don't make me hate the characters. When I saw the entire cast stand on the bridge and salute the death of a race of people I wanted to vomit.