The Tragic King

From the all the outcry I was hearing on the internet about the rape scene, I thought it
would be worse (like it was in the books). I'm surprised people had a huge problem
with it since it was quite obvious it was going to happen, given Sansa is taking Jeyne's
role. I hope people aren't giving this episode a poor grade

I wish Stannis had thrown the Joffrey Baratheon leech first.

This show is crashing badly for me as well. The story archs are quite uninteresting this season and the only reason for me to watch are Eric and Pam. Those two are always great (except that chemistry between them is out the window now that Eric doesn't remember a thing).

Jamie always had honor as we saw in he bathtub scene where he chose to save the lives of the population of King's Landing in exchange for being called a kingslayer for the rest of his life. He also saved Brianne's life twice now. I think Jamie will end up like Tyrion and Cersei, fear of Joeffry's arbitrary anger and

As usual I loved this episode of GOT as well. Besides the slow pacing in some scenes they worked for whatever is set to happen next. Cersei seems to be becoming stupider every episode as she loses control. She is going completely nuts now its hard for me to imagine Jamie having any kind of chemistry with her.

If you think this redemption arc you speak of has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention.

"Your cock shouldn't go near her till she's as slick as a baby seal."

I agree about the torture scenes. I hate seeing him get tortured every episode
but it is a necessary evil to show the pain he's going through instead of just saying
"oh yeah, I was totally tortured!"

It was probably the men that were sent to get Jamie to King's Landing. Since Brienne came up first they had no choice but to get her and then immediately after get Jamie.

I actually thought this was another great episode in the excellent third season (thus far).
I loved the witty exchange between Tywin and Olenna.