Psychic... Powerless...

stumbled across this while doing some "personal" shopping a week or few ago…

dear god, that is terrible.

no, give them the karma they deserve.

"used? well of course it's used! used by a band so obscure… nobody has heard of them. two grand."

i'd like to imagine that they just got screwed everywhere they went.

that is some expensive tablature.

your logic works. but you have to remember that the public does not follow logic when they visit public lands.

yea i'd say it's simply that in europe you had way more extensive human usage of resources, higher population concentrations and concurrent waste disposal issues. in some developing nations you can see similar situations in which you've got more wildlife attacks on people, and (personally) i'd guess it really isn't so

bear stearns… that's the company that went down after trying to consume it's own liquid assets right? it's really not a viable strategy in all survival situations.

oh well, a touch of grey
kind of suits you anyway
that was all i had to say
and it's all right.

i'm also going to go out on a limb here and posit that the title "the grey" refers not merely to the species of wolf present in the film, but the moral ambiguity that occurs when we are left stranded in snowbound nowhere with half a dozen outlaw men, after our transport plane crashes, and we are being slowly consumed

i used to work in northern Idaho and there was no quicker way to start a bar brawl then by bringing up wolves.

haven't seen speeches of that caliber in quite some time..

there's something to be said with repeated listenings with these guys.

find a spring doorstop. flick it. continue, but now with a beat. let the subtle wompings ease your troubled mind.