Psychic... Powerless...

spoilers, dude.

agreed, i came around on Grylls because he seemed to have a good sense of humor about his place in pop culture.

sacrelicious: i haven't really watched any of the programs extensively enough to provide a real opinion. i just check out the desert episodes of all of them and then have varied degrees of reaction. i really liked the episode i saw of Stroud, felt pretty good about the Dual Survivor ones (for the reasons you

but cody lundin doesn't even wear shoes…

nothing new about it, white people have been doing it for ages.

any room in your pocket for a little spare chang?

that sounds about right. i just remember at this kind of… (actually) kafka-esque sequence towards the end with milo's syndicate that i started out cold on, but warmed up to almost immediately.

just don't mention that scene were depp threw change at the wee-person…

i read the book and then shortly followed by watching the movie. i remember being pleasantly surprised by the latter, and liked where they took certain elements that weren't in the novel. at the very least there are scenes from the movie that still stick in my head long after the act of watching it.

i'm hoping "grown-man dreams" is the name of the album.

well played, sir.

although not an office gig, i can say i've worked a job where there was an honest push to get the (in)famous "cowboy hard hat" ok-ed as part of our safety gear.

good god. i work wildland fire off and on, and my first night sleeping on the line, i got that thing.

my neighbors are in the process of cutting down and mutilating all the trees in their yard. the arborist crew likes to start early. i like to sleep in.

bam! indoctrinated.

certainly, as a christian, i would much rather crawl up on my cross than have to deal with any gentiles.

i'm still unsure about posting this, because it's kind of sappy. but i wanted to say thank you, Jesus Fucking Christ.

dean, dean, dean, dean. dean, dean, dean, dean.

weird revolution.