
No order
Kiss Me Deadly
The Third Man
Double Indemnity
Out of The Past
Ace in The Hole

Sorkin? Nah man, that was an extended Magnolia reference.

Never have I had a more complicated relationship with an author then what I've had with William Vollmann. Europe Central: loved it; Whores for Gloria: okay, Royal Family: indulgent pap (same for a good chunk of his short stories). His nonfiction: mostly brilliant even if his historiography is a little iffy (Imperial

I have an inkling that every single red herring is in someway a part of a vast child killing conspiracy ala Dexter season 5. They have yet to rule anyone out, and in order for the murders of the girls and Seward's wife to be related someone from that plot line must have done it. My bet is Becker.