Yuri Petrovitch

"No way, two can play!" *roundhouse kick*

"Accidentally" is the only way anyone sees that film.

"Don't look at me, look at the road! That's how accidents happen."

Oh, The Final Cut has some real affecting moments—"The Gunner's Dream" is an absolutely beautiful and painful song.

That. . .that is a hard road to walk.

I wonder how Ca Ira is.


X-Men vs. Street Fighter on the Saturn is damn near arcade-perfect

*puts in quarter*

So they're approaching it the same way as KOF12, only this time in 3D

"Would the people in the back of the bus please refrain from KILLING MY SOUL?!"

Not sure you can really invest Seven Mary Three with the firepower to "kill" alternative rock (which, like "new wave" has always felt like an amorphous sorta term) I think it was just the intermediate stage on stripping grunge of everything marketable (heavy guitars and hungerdungerdangnative vocals) which would soon…

Oh that's the whole reason I stumbled on this thread, dogg.

That album was damn amazing.

MANHUNTER under Rice has an interesting proto-manga style to it. It worked amazingly well in the early issues.

Star Wars Legacy was hell of such as awesome.

It gets a lot of grief for fucking up Hawkman continuity, but really no one should give a shit about Hawkman continuity

I also have a lot of time for Ostrander's MANHUNTER and HAWKWORLD runs.

"Throw down your guns!"

Shiver in my bones just thinkin' about the splatter.