Yuri Petrovitch

"Dammit Pantera, this beer is warm!"

The Genesis version just has a few still screens, then the credits fall on you (you can kick them off the screen), then the game loops.

I love the Dynasty Warriors Gundam games (Reborn was especially awesome) but sometimes that "Play this mission on the hardest difficulty where the enemy can destroy you before the into message leaves the screen" gets fucking old after the 100th time.

Besides which, I think Golden Axe does the "annihilate the 4th wall" thing better.

It's one of the reasons "Emissary" is probably the best of the TNG era pilots. There's genuine emotional content and a logical character arc that carries through and isn't just people looking standing around looking smug.

Uh, yes, of course.

When Picard's family died, he got very sad and cried a lot.


This movie led to the recurring habit amongst me and my friends of walking into a room, gesticulating wildly and yelling "WHOOOOOAAAA SOMEONE TRIEDA KILL MEEEEE!"

"Is this metal? I got a bet with Joe."

"Buckle up—we'll be reaching speeds of three!"

"No one sees. . .the boner within."

Bono's grandma-Bono-nana

Pointing it out is futile.

Well, that's nice and clear

I kinda like the honesty in the lead-up to that scene were Cliff says he's scared shitless. You don't often get that level of personal vulnerability in heroes—they usually just slough it off on daddy issues.

"It vasn't lies, Jenny. . .it was acting"

". . .doubly charmed."


The Shadow is the best 1940s Batman movie that never happened.