Yuri Petrovitch


A Cruel Lannister's Thesis

"I choose violence."

Also: who would win in a knife fight between Cameo and Marl Morrison

JUST like Code Name: Diamond Head.

My friends in college hated the song because "It sounded like he was singing out of his ass."



"It looks like you're trying to sire an heir. Would you like to bang your sister instead?"

"Sounds exactly like fu—-"

FREEDOM OF COCK is my least favourite Devo track ever.

"Do YOU want to call them?!"

I'm past my fill of David Wong's never-ending Quest To Toughen You Internet Nerds Up.

If anything came from this that could be called "good," it's this. I support the hell out of it.

He always made me feel welcome when I first started posting in the TNG threads so many years ago, and I was very proud to call him and @Opera_Punk:disqus dear friends, though time and chance sometimes made it hard to keep up as I maybe would have wanted.

Arcade Attack?


"Dragonssage," as it were.

. . .unless they're written by John Ostrander.

It's right next to the Alamo's basement.