Fartin Dick Clark

Easy as it might be due to zero publicity & a miniscule fan base, don't forget about a little game called God of War III. I'd bump Just Cause 2 off that list (or at least backburner it) & replace it with Yakuza 3/GoW3.

Seconded. I hope more people make the time to play this, it really is worth it. But it dammit it did come out at a terrible time…

Quite enjoyable but…
why can't I get in the prone position?

If Faith had twins she'd probably have two Pacs.

*Anthony Kiedis shoots foot*

AND they need to have a cgi'd Furious Fievel!

I know. This game successfully made me feel racist.

Was anyone else surprised at the end of the Marine campaign to find out you've been playin' a black dude? Your character never speaks & the NPCs always refer to you as "Rookie". I thought I was some white dude but then in the last cutscene Lance Henriksen comes along & I discover I'm all presidential-like….

"Well who are you, jack, and what you doin' in my house?"

Kenny Loggins ftw

Benzino really is a terrible rapper. I still remember that lame ass "Rock the Party" video… Boston should deport him.

yeah step your game up Marvel Animation!
…and let's get a "Old Man Logan" BluRay up in this piece. Rated 'R' and no skimping on the superhero corpse-piles. C'mon you owe it to us for "Origins"….

I don't like the words this review put in my head.
Judah Friedlander ejaculate.

Yeah make it a mini-series on the ole home box office.

Mr. Mef
"but when you see Vivica tell her she A Fox"….

"Ice to see you."

Maybe I'm a little slow…
and not that it matters anyways, but does Shil.I.Am appear a lil "sweet" in the beginning of that video? I mean, I guess I always assumed he was straight. Hm.

At least Roger Moore was able to stand there proudly knowing he's never been in a movie that exploits stereotypes…

Reasonable (and obvious) Discussion; Darksiders/Dante's Inferno stand no chance against GoW3
Also, so who does Nolan North voice in this game?

Yeah the story just isn't as compelling, but the gameplay is great. Dual-wielding is so much more satisfying & even though the Big Sisters are completely telegraphed, fighting them can get quite white knuckle. The drill is tits tacos too.
Also if you haven't beaten it yet hang in there; the last 1/4 or so of the plot