scrotal pilates

Haters gonna hate and get their asses handed back. This is brilliant.

So are we suggesting that folks who preach hate and ignorance, use their "faith" as a cudgel against people they don't know and try to defend their blatant hypocrisy are susceptible to epic karmic beat downs? Hmm…to hear them say it, everything they do is guided by the Jebus and is thus good. But, of course, their

Why am I beginning to think that the AV Club was strangely serious about this thing? Neil Diamond?Are you fucking kidding me?

They're a cadet branch of the Wolvingham Marmleby-Baxters, late of Chepstow.

I couldn't get through the first season of this show. But it's always fun to see the film crews working on my way home.

Why don't the get Herr Dean to play the mayor, he'll be out of work soon, anyway.

Dude could have saved himself a bunch of trouble if he just called his book fiction. People tend to take the idea of memoirs really seriously. And just because some of it might be about your personal experiences it can still be considered fiction. What an ass.

Does one get paid to be a SW scholar? If so, then sign me the fuck up. Making stuff up about made up stuff is my kind of gig and will help me to learn the requisite skills to write my own Bible.

I'm too young for adulthood but here I go!

Mmm…Florence Henderson…I'd brady her bunch….That's how that goes, right?

I love it when the right wing media screams. They're so limkp dicked and irrelevant.

Meat curtains?! I haven't seen meat curtains in years!!! They have a nice way of really mucking up a room.

Hey, I found the Abe Lincoln zombie flick well worth the $1.32 I spent at the redbox.

He wasn't supposed to be the smartest guy in the room. He's a warrior who developes delusions of grandeur.

Florida? What's a Florida? Are they still pretending to be a state? I thought they seceded after the 2000 election.

McKellan's version was pretty badass. Sir Captain Professor X Picard did it too, thus completing a Shakespearean/Geek trifecta.

The theatre world is chock-full of superstitions that are many thousands of years old. It's not about "ghosts" coming to get you, even though I've had some pretty interesting experiences, but about respecting the traditions of an art form that is older than most civilizations.
Or I could be full of shit. It's Monday

The show's over so they strike the set. I'm surprised they didn't start the second the houselights came up.

I consider this film on par with 3 Amigo's: dumb, fun but with an amazing cast.

But he's so charming, in a Hugh Grant-y sort a way.