scrotal pilates

I'm only half 'mercan but I managed to see the whole thing.

Math is bad for you. That's a medical fact I just made up.

The whole thing needed more Linda Cardellini, IMHO.

My dong is so big it achieved sentience before I did.

The book is its own gritty reboot!

Eww…gross. Why are people even trying to pretend that this is even worth the time and money to waste on?

Rumble Rumble Rumble! Mutiny Mutiny Mutiny!

Sounds like he'll make a good politician. Can't they make an office for the boy?

Somebody needs to get a job.

I'm a wee bit of a wino and missed on the first go. Now I get it.

I only just watched Scanners for the first time a few weeks ago. Reminded me a lot of what we attempted and failed at during my student theatre days.

My kitten face monster baby digs on Swift. And I don't formally despise her stuff, I only ask that Elle Bitty listen to it in her room as I have hipster daddy jazz (on vinyl!) to play whilst I fix dinner.

Sweet Jesus, why? I thought this whole religion thing had been played out already.

I don't remember getting past the part when Parker Lewis blew up Rob Lowe.

I went to one of his lectures in college and he seemed quite proud of his work in Tank Girl, but was a bit more excited about the paycheck.

My little girl found my copy of M and M while we were rorganizing the bookshelf. The cover confused her and she asked how a cat could be packing heat despite not having thumbs. "Oh", she said, "that's one I'm not old enough for, huh?"

A bit of vino and a jolly spirit got me through the slow-slow-slow-slooooow parts of Dune, and when I woke up I found it a worthwhile experience.

Arthurian Romances by Chretien De Troyes and A Feast for Crows.

It means they're looking for work…dick work.

I hate ducks, personally…damn quacking s.o.b's