
I saw this on tv.
Watched it for a minute. Then changed the channel.

This is almost funny. Good job.

You raise a good point.

Wait, how do we know it was Pierce?

Should I be embarrassed?
As soon as I saw on Lizzy Caplan's IMDB that she was listed in this episode, I went back and re-watched the whole episode just to see if I could catch a glimpse of her. I still can't find her.

well done, friend.

I feel like there are two types of people in this thread:
Those who found all those fucking litle puzzle pieces and those who didn't.

Jk i don't smoke weed

Need for Weed
This is always the first game I go to when i'm blazed.

The Truth
The best thing about these games that always goes unmentioned in reviews like this is the vast mythology and mystery solving in the game. Seriously, if you go deep into the option "Truth" videos, it's a huge mindfuck. It sets these games far and above anything else.

yeah, all 12 dollars of it.

They better put some fucking extras on that dvd

So, how about that movie, the Hurt Locker, eh?

I just hope…
…they put Jack's beard on auction.

I was really disappointed they just completely skipped over that.

I can't wait
for them to whip out this new album

When asked about working with Lynn Redgrave
Jerry Lewis responded, "I'd like to take my cock out and piss on her."

ummm. uuuhhhhhhh. LINDSAY LOHAN SUCKS!

I can't wait until the Jake the Snake biopic.

That guy's beard doesn't look blue at all.