
There are probably more AVC readers who don't comment than it seems. I am one of those people. You mentioned that The Walking Dead generates a lot of comments to illustrate how few people comment on The Returned. I love the Walking Dead but I don't even read the reviews for it because I don't feel I need somebody

I just discovered the show at around 3:30 this morning when I couldn't sleep and just binge-watched the entire thing. So when I read that this show wasn't made for binge-watching, I just laughed. It's my new favorite Netflix original but maybe I'm just not smart enough to get why it's not binge-worthy. Or maybe I'm

3.1415926535897932 Days of the Condor

I agree completely.  How I read Mitch's entire persona from the moment she deserted her family was that she believes her grief is more important than anybody else's and to hell with the other kids anyway.  Stan is the real hero.  He didn't have the luxury of leaving his family to sit in hotel rooms and smoke and eat

I agree completely.  How I read Mitch's entire persona from the moment she deserted her family was that she believes her grief is more important than anybody else's and to hell with the other kids anyway.  Stan is the real hero.  He didn't have the luxury of leaving his family to sit in hotel rooms and smoke and eat

Let's not forget, eyewitnesses are notoriously wrong about dates, faces, times, etc.  
I still think the killer is Orpheus, who went to the underworld to bring his wife back from the dead but then he lost her again because he looked back.

Let's not forget, eyewitnesses are notoriously wrong about dates, faces, times, etc.  
I still think the killer is Orpheus, who went to the underworld to bring his wife back from the dead but then he lost her again because he looked back.

I'm confused.  What happened with Orpheus.  Was Richmond really Orpheus and if so, does that mean he was having sex with all the Beau Soleil girls and that he had a fantasy of killing one by the water the way Rosie was killed?  That's a pretty big coincidence.  We know it wasn't him who killed Rosie so that's why I'm

That was Drexler's house.  He's my vote for killer of Rosie.  He's the extraordinarily rich dude who made the mayor and Richmond vie for his favor by playing basketball.  Those girls in the overhead aquarium were from Beau Soleil. 

Oh no, they conveniently got rid of her Lieutenant and stuff for some murky reason that leaves us wondering if he was part of the corruption or what.  And now she's official again, has forgiven Holder his grevious trespasses and they are working like a teacher didn't almost die and a mayoral candidate isn't a cripple

The way I see it, the killer has to be someone we were introduced to last season since it was clearly meant to be revealed at the end of season 1.  I can think of only four possibilities.  There's mob guy Yanik (not sure how to spell his name…sorry) but what in the world would be the motive?  After 20 years goes by,

Wait, didn't Shane tell Lori that he did 'what he did to Otis' because he is in love with her?  Doesn't that count as her finally realizing that he really is dangerous enough to alert Rick to it? 
Weird that Dale can infer that Shane did something to Otis and they turn that into a big melodrama but didn't Dale

Sheesh, I guess I'm pedestrian.  I loved the episode.  

I'm getting a little sick and tired of Matthew and his honor and crap.  C'mon, we expect that from the butler, but not the aristocracy.  I really liked him at first and wanted he and Mary to marry but now I realize Mary is WAY too interesting to be with such an irritating honorable sod.

I love Adele.  But the Grammys bore me.  I guess there's something wrong with me.   We were waiting to play a good game of Munchkin and I had to yawn my way through an hour and a half of the Grammys because at least one of the players had to see at least some ancient person perform some ancient boring song.  So I gave

After reading about a hundred comments here I'm wondering why most of the commenters even watch this show since they seem to dislike everything about it.

I thought his outfit was the best until we had to see the horrible green top.  The judges went easy on the blouse.  It reminded me of an amateur mortician job.  Seriously, when I saw that jagged sewing, it reminded me of a practice cadaver.  

Austin's outfit reminded me of something the annoying blonde would have worn on the Newhart show in the 80s.  

Me too.  As soon as I saw him opt for the canned oysters, I thought, "Have you ever watched this show before?"

I agree with that but it also sort of worries me because remember when Richard Blaise was clearly the front runner all season long and then lost on the last challenge?