
Numeria ate all of the wolf budget for this season so he'll have to go hungry until he pops up for five seconds to inexplicably die next year.

HBO was straight up publicly begging B&W to keep the show going forever, they have no reason not to throw as much money at this as necessary. The creators just want the show to end, that's all, no conspiracy.

It's hard to blame the director for brushing this off when the fault really lies with writing, which I'm sure he has no say in. And about those writers: Benioff and Weiss just seem TIRED. You can see in the end of episode recaps, in the lack of interviews, in the way they lazily try to handwave weird things with

I'm still unconvinced by that theory, mainly because it has no real evidence besides some sloppy writing (why didn't he just spear the gang to death right away and get on with it?) and some extremely vauge ability to sense Bran sometimes. It makes much more sense to me that the Night King is just chill as a goddamn

He certainly seems like the only character with any real level of competence. Even surprise dragons couldn't shake him.

"For the record: the behind-the-scenes are going with “Frozen Lake Battle” for the name of the showdown here. Better than “Loot Train Attack,” but still a bit too descriptive for my liking. Taking suggestions for alternatives."

I was ok with the rowing line because that is EXACTLY the kind of dad joke I'd expect from Davos, bless his soul.

Just before that I thought "how are they going to explain the stabbing?" and then she performed the single funniest cake cut in history.

I've always thought it was weird that Colour of Spring doesn't get lumped in with Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock. Sure it's still a pop album but 1. who cares and 2. I think it's a pretty perfect blend of pop and "experimental" arrangements. It might actually be my favorite of the three.


I mean, if about a third of the album can be discribed as "absolutely dreadful" then it can't really be called a good album can it? And, personally speaking, the rest of it at best feels like a poor man's version of past greatness and at worse is still pretty bland. Which is a bummer because I just revisited their

A sperm.

How many tags are there on this site now that just lead to one or two O'Neil articles?

So goddamn good

Not sure how "weren't that amazing" became "were no good" but that is definitely not what I was saying. They are good! Great even! But there is so much music in so many styles and the medium gets pushed forward in new and interesting ways everyday. The idea that the Beatles basically perfected music and should be

I mean, the Beatles weren't that amazing either. They're just the Queen Bey of old dudes.

I mean, regardless of the internet, the first season was solid and enjoyable, so I see no reason to believe that will change. Plus: giant hell monster!!!!

Can't believe Alex got payed to find a picture of the cars from Cars fucking and then embed it in an article about the cars from Cars fucking.

Damn this is great, doom Boris is my favorite Boris. Glad they decided to keep it going.

I deeply love this absurd disclaimer that has to appear at the end of every article mentioning Power Rangers.