
Beautiful article. Thank you.

Yay! Regular coverage! Looking the most forward to: Spot That Fun 80s Thing!

They should get bonus points because they had Greyson Chance back!

Yay! I'm so glad you're reviewing this show. It's one of three shows that I think should never have been cancelled. (The other two being Firefly and Friday Night Lights). I hope you enjoy the series.

A regular viewer…
I agree that the singing got to be distracting (altho the first number was *great*), but I have to say, Todd hit the nail on the head with this review regarding not only the episode, but with the show in general.

Agreed. You hit the nail on the head when you called him the anchor for all the craziness on the show.

Agreed. They need to bring him back.

Dear Keith,
From fake Chicago ceilings to Dillon's strip club minor rules, GREAT review. You said everything I wanted to say and more eloquently. Thanks, Keith.

Countdown worked. Very well.
Interesting reactions all across the board. The review asked 'why here?' I think it was to create that very sucker punch, devastating, blindside effect. A death of a parent like that? It's cruel. It's sudden. The show managed to convey that and still make us laugh for 30 minutes previous.