Johnny B. Mused

Some bands…
Damien Rice is awesome live. His album tracks are mostly pretty mellow, but almost every song live ends really loud and powerful, plus he puts more emotion into his shit live than anyone else I've seen.

Staring contests…
Conan and Andy should start them again. I've been hoping for one ever since Andy came back to work with Conan, but so far haven't seen one. Was one of my favorite bits from Late Night.

Also High Fidelity, the movie has a lot of awesome songs, but I have no idea what's on the official soundtrack.

I like the soundtracks for…
Escape from L.A. (never even seen the movie, the soundtrack's just awesome)
Return of the Living Dead
SLC Punk (not so much the official soundtrack as mixing all the good songs off of it with the ones that aren't on it, like 8 Bucks Experiment, Camper van Beethoven, Roxy Music and a

The only reason my friends and I loved this movie was the melodramatic reading of the line "Hey… Fuck you." by David Caruso. This one line redeemed the whole shitty movie.