he didn't Thread his tweets, but Josh Tillman (aka Father John Misty) has some brilliant/hilarious casting ideas for "X-Cutioner's Song"—speaking of "better stories to adapt"!
ETA: can't embed? https://twitter.com/fatherj…
he didn't Thread his tweets, but Josh Tillman (aka Father John Misty) has some brilliant/hilarious casting ideas for "X-Cutioner's Song"—speaking of "better stories to adapt"!
ETA: can't embed? https://twitter.com/fatherj…
S07 is still worst IMO: while most of S11 is boring/unfunny, these eps haven't been atrociously un(re)watchable.
But to your point about salvaging, the backend has several standouts I'll still watch:
"Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games"; "The ANTI-Social Network"; "Thunder Gun Express"; even "Storm of the Century"…
S09E01 "The Gang Broke Dee" (sorta)
incredibly apt. damn.
probably: the show we're watching is a (subsequent) novel, authored by Bruce (which Yvonne is reading on the porch, in scene when Robert & Alison return) ◕‿↼
Two-part (series) finale: WAoVW? / Carnage remake starring Helen/Max + Cole/Wife—one episode each from Noah's then Allison's POV (different couples in each ep. who did they really have over that night??)
PSA: S02E01 now streaming through Comcast Xfinity
wait, what? I doubt I'll be able to listen, distracting as this is, let alone want to now. unnecessary. contrast with
PROTIP: it's a great song, but SKIP "Let it Happen" when playing full album—greatly improves overall effect! (especially setting tone/mood by starting with 1:47 "Nangs," kinda prelude-y this way…)
it really is "stand out" and "outlier"—not sure when to place/play (maybe after "Past Life"? starting vinyl disc 2 with…
I know it's time of year, and "Memorial Day weekend" today, but:
after Mad Men, Community, Louie and maybe Veep & Silicon Valley (I still enjoy reviews & comments for latter 2)
I bet a well-timed invite from TWF could get many clubbers to subscribe to Vox like it's Tidal…
(disclaimer: I might open my summer [college]…
damn, this comment thread… ಠಿ_ಠ
thanks, Obama Matt Weiner
very nice!
you mean Jimmy Barrett—aged in-universe to 2015?!
best season of the show, five―
quite possibly any series.
20:00 (before credits), rushed indeed (and without any B- Plot)―
c'mon FX ಠ_ಠ
Backpfeifengesicht (German)
protip: the sequence is pretty awful; totally disliked upon first listen.
then I tried this Stereogum commenter's alternative order, which greatly improves! So much that I'm sticking with it.
contrast with unremarkable / fruitless inclination of girlfriend's to "watch something on Netflix": ~40 minutes of browsing/swiping/scrolling…
broken up by "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared" Parts 1 & 2 (part 3 imminent!!) for what reason who can remember.
"In re-watch mode I'm in season 1 Mad Men, s03 Office, s02 30 Rock; would…
Checked out the two most appealing offerings from Amazon Prime "Pilot Season" —
Red Oaks and The Cosmopolitans