Jim James

How is anyone who enjoyed this episode's plot twist still watching this show after several seasons? The best parts of the show have been all slow burn, getting into the tense world of spycraft without going all Michael Bay. The worst parts of the show have been the Carrie-loves-Brody love story and the completely

I don't think you guys really *get* lawsuits. I mean, none of you have ever *seen* a complaint or an answer, right? The defendant generally has to raise all possible defenses in the answer or he/she/it risks waiving those defenses. Pretty standard fare here.

I think it's more interesting that showrunners are choosing to tackle Middle East issues in a setting that is, you know, not the Middle East. #factcheck

"[T]he former is probably the show’s least interesting major character, a stereotypical fantasy hero who’s somehow wound up in this series and stayed alive this long."

I'm just spitballing here, but methinks the "Take it like a man" comment ironically referred to Mr. Dick's defense of a man who is blatantly homophobic, rather than "SEXIST!"

I can't believe people thought Sandra Bullock couldn't handle the dramatic part. I thought she nailed it. Getting into the ISS after what were - up to that point - the most harrowing 90 minutes of her life, after believing she was gonna die floating toward Mars, the girl needed a rest. She didn't curl up and want to

A fitting end to the best show in the history of television.

I had the same initial gut reaction to the headline as many people here ("against"?), but I read the article because it seemed like an interesting premise. I think Bowie's sexism point is his only reasonable one, but it belongs in a sociology class, not an art critique - it doesn't make the quality of the work less

"A less schematic show might have had room for this character to expand."
Coming soon to Starz, Terrence Malick's "Tree of Life" as Stephen Bowie's "Breaking Bad."

Wtf is a Phineas and Ferb?


Not Nucky's first wife. His mother.

Not Nucky's first wife. His mother.

After the high of watching last week's episode, seeing the first 5 minutes here makes me want to abandon watching this show entirely. I'm extremely pissed off right now, so much so that I had to pause the show and come here to whine about it. I hope that something in the last 50 minutes redeems what just happened to

After the high of watching last week's episode, seeing the first 5 minutes here makes me want to abandon watching this show entirely. I'm extremely pissed off right now, so much so that I had to pause the show and come here to whine about it. I hope that something in the last 50 minutes redeems what just happened to

What I just realized: Brody's movie is not just vindication for Carrie, but also vindication for Saul. In his video Brody refers to the drone airstrike killing 87 children as his motivation, which Saul can now take and throw in Estes' face.

What I just realized: Brody's movie is not just vindication for Carrie, but also vindication for Saul. In his video Brody refers to the drone airstrike killing 87 children as his motivation, which Saul can now take and throw in Estes' face.

Especially after she just implied in the garage that Crazy Carrie might have been on to something in the front yard because of her newfound knowledge of his conversion. While Brody's weirdness is a good explanation for why he would be so stupid or careless about his personal opinions, there is no explanation for her.

Especially after she just implied in the garage that Crazy Carrie might have been on to something in the front yard because of her newfound knowledge of his conversion. While Brody's weirdness is a good explanation for why he would be so stupid or careless about his personal opinions, there is no explanation for her.

One thing I noticed: Carrie told Estes that Fatima is the first wife of the Hezbollah commander Abbas Ali. They showed that in the "previously on Homeland" intro. After the operation, girl reporter Trisha Takanawa tells Brody they think the informer was Ali's second wife.