scott buck

Yeah, whatever TacoPENIS. Don't quit your day job - well, unless you're like me and can retire on millions earned masterfully running the flagship drama of a little network called Showtime.

Thank you, TacoPants. Although it doesn't surprise me that lowbrow viewers of a dumb show like Hanni-bull are woefully ignorant of the true luminaries in this business.

"If you haven’t read Entertainment Weekly’s interview with creator Bryan Fullerabout his insistence on staying away from sexual horror as a part of the show’s fabric, I implore you to."

Sigh. Welcome back to amateur hour. I can't believe this crap is back for yet another season. Clearly they have nothing left to say because they rushed through all their plot lines! Idiots. Don't they realize that you're supposed to drag out developments as long as possible, ideally well beyond all plausibility? Or if

I don't even like to use urinals, I've always been a stall man.

You think Mags would waste energy strangling them? She'd just put out some glasses of "apple pie" before the next montage and watch everyone keel over as they pensively smoke and drink to terrible music.

You want to know why this final season is so awesome? I'll let you in on a little secret: FX hired me to assist Kurt as shadow co-showrunner! Shhh, don't tell anyone.

"Sutter, Please just stop. You are maybe the worst showrunner in the history of TV."

What if he raped children on ponies?

Yes, I was also a producer for REM.

Sorry for the delay. My Ghost In-laws are in for the weekend and between them not shutting up and my own voiceovers it took me 7 hours to get through the episode.

Alright! Look's like we're going somewhere! I mean, the show still sucks, but this episode showed some promise.

"Yay Don, alienate your children and drink yourself to death!"

Okay, for 6 weeks I've been trying to come up with this, so here it is…ready? Okay, Hanni-BULL! That's what this show is, it's a bunch of bull, which is short for "bull shit," as in a bowel movement from a male cow.


*Sigh* I don't know why I bother posting here. Clearly you people mindlessly gushing over this dumb show know nothing about good television. But, I'll still do my part to educate you on the fine art of quality drama.

I don't know where to start with this stupid show. The characters actions just don't make any sense. For example, Jack's wife is dying. How does he respond? He wants to make her comfortable, consider possible treatments, spend quality time with her. How is that realistic?!?!? It would be FAR more realistic for Jack to

"One thing I know for sure - this show is a breath of fresh air after so many lackluster years of Dexter."

I've been hearing all the hype about this Hannibal show and, frankly, I don't get it. I was hoping the series would be closer the film masterpiece Hannibal than the more lackkuster adaptations like the tedious Silence of the Lambs and that snoozefest Manhunter. We all know this show has terrible ratings, and I hope