
Now that you mention it…

Your parents are Herb and Judy Nahasapeemapetilon.

Heroin addiction is not unlike an obsessive crush. I imagine.

I used to have this problem, then one day I realized that some girls like Joy Division. Now, I just push all conversations in that direction.

One of those egg council creeps got to him too.

I have a strange curiosity with the WBC. I follow a bunch of them on twitter and will watch any documentary I can find on them. I'm disturbed by how interesting I find them since they're obviously the worst people on Earth, but damn they're fascinating.

My childhood dog, from when I was 7 to 22, died two years ago. Since then, my older brother and mom have both purchased dogs of their own, both the same breed, that both live with my parents currently. Having recently spent the weekend home interacting with the dogs, allow me to say: fuck those stupid god damn

I'm in week four of mono currently. I can't imagine a more depressing illness, I just sit around the house all day, go to work occasionally, and sleep a lot. I have so little fun options in life that I've been lurking AV Club comment sections for hours a day. I already read the "So You Think You Can Dance" TV Club

I somehow managed to remain ignorant of the second album's existence until just now (early 2012 was a strange time in my life.) Is it a big enough let down that I should just skip it and wait for the third?

Mine was in college, so I'm truly the worst. I was completely black out drunk. Had to be told about it the next day. Avoided many text messages/calls from the girl for the rest of the semester out of total embarrassment.
My first kiss that I remember was with a girl I was crazy about at midnight on NYE. It was

This movie is dead to me for the soundtrack not including Ride's Vapour Trail after it featured prominently in the book.

I grew up in a shore town, so I might just have a blind spot here. But, outside of a professional setting, I will not wear sleeves from May to September and you can't make me.

Yeah, yeah, Marisa Tomei. Like she would ever go out with a short, stocky, bald man. Hu hu, ha ha. Like that's her type. Huh. She's an Oscar winner. He heh. Besides, I don't even know her. It's not like anyone's trying to fix us up. Who, who would try and fix me up with Marisa Tomei?

All I want is for this show to turn into 24 with Claire as Jack and Jared Leto as Chloe. Is that really too much to ask?

Does anyone understand how Beach House have never covered Teenage Dream? Not only was there the whole hullabaloo over the Teen Dream/Teenage Dream naming thing, but it's also crazy easy to imagine that one as a quality dream pop song.

My least favorite part of high school was that the jocks at school got worshiped and I was a rather successful athlete, but by virtue of being on the ice hockey team where we were at best the sixth most popular sport at the school none of that worship reached me. My ability to get in the way of vulcanized rubber

I saw B&S for the first time last week and later the same night caught them doing a DJ session at the official after party. Both completely excellent. My favorite part was definitely that I saw at least twenty guys wearing the Unknown Pleasures shirt between the two locations. Nothing is more important at a Belle &

This one girl my senior year of high school was in my study hall, so we had 40 minutes five days a week to talk to each other and did so pretty much the entire year. At some point towards graduation, she started sitting next to me and putting her arm around my shoulder for the entire 40 minutes. I was crazy about her,

Michael: Here's the thing. Chili's is the new golf course. It's where business happens. Small Business Man Magazine.
Jan: It said that?
Michael: It will. I sent it in. Letter to the editor

I have no idea what is meat by "hockey in general". However, I am Canadian and probably just blind to the obvious flaws being referenced here.