
Michael Clayton is a great, great movie

wait a second, this show is still fucking going?

Kim Dickens is the business, but the best character actor in Treme - in fact, an example of the character actor par excellence - is Melissa Leo

does anyone really care about those dumb tweets? He's shown he has enough about him with his 'irl' material to pretty much disregard them, which is what I've done. Super interested to see how the show pans out. he's an interesting and funny guy, I wish him all the best.

haven't read it yet, gonna settle in and read it later, but just wanted to note how extraordinary his career explosion has been since Animal Kingdom. Even as an Australian I didn't really clock him, but now, to me at least, he's one of those actors who, once you know he's in a movie, you almost always want to watch it.

oi. off Woods. he gets a free pass for that Simpsons episode forever

Morrissey says a lot of things


if you watched this - shit, if you even read a sentence of this article - and took it even a quarter seriously, than you are an irredeemable manchild. sorry.

not at all I unironically think that American is the greatest country in the world lol

America's weird. In Australia the ol 'well she did it before so she's probably done it again in this case' argument doesn't really hold water (I think the doctrine is called Propensity), and any such evidence is usually chucked into the bin unless there's a reallllly good reason for it not to be. still tho, best

'but I think the premiere’s surest sign of its Late Show legacy was this Leterman-esque bit of showbiz jargon: “Warn the affiliates, we might be going long tonight.”' - more likely a self-reference for the faithful. He used the exact same line on the Report for the 'Suqma Diq' bit

by two years, in fact!

it's a super nice video, I like the depth and detail he goes in to

I can just imagine a writers room full of people who took some English units in undergrad mirthfully writing that last bit

or Bonds James, or Bonds, James Bonds (or would that be Bond, James Bonds? probably)

a video like this shows us that that the idea of cinematic remakes (or 'revivals', in the theatre parlance) aren't always forlorn endeavours. It's always interesting to see varying interpretations of even merely decent source material.

Are you gonna keep informing us who Colbert's guests are on a weekly basis? cool

a propos not much really, I saw that Olivier Assayas movie with Nick Nolte in it the other day (Clean), and he gives a really beautiful performance in it.