Wilford Brimley

Somone call me?

I think it is mbs though—see below for characteristic carpet bombing approach to threads. The attention to proper capitalization and grammar makes me slightly suspicious, though…

About half and hour. Delicious.

Impostors, the lot of you.

Rambo XII: Eh? Say that again?

Lyndon LaRouche!


The problem here, I reckon, is that for actors, movies = work. They dont intend for them to suck. We only experience the finished product.

I can't find a reference, but my brother is fond pf paraphrasing Vonnegut as defining the difference between winners and losers as follows:

OTP, I just snarfed my 100& Quaker oats. Good thing I can't feel my nasopharynx any more, thanks to the miracle of diabeetus.

I have to break character here momentarily to agree with above. Even a calllous and callow youth such as maewiph and his unregistered ilk cannot really endorse domestic violence. It's just so terrible for those who are injured and such a ringing condemnation of those who practice it—even if you actually have some

When you someone eat it (100% natural Quaker oats), it's the right thing to do, and a tasty way to do it.

Sounds like someone could use the wholesome refereshing taste of 100% Quaker oats. It's the right thing to do and the tasty way to do it.

"playing with the toy tank," eh?

not only that, according to wikipedia I DO have the diabeetis—diagnosed in 1979.

I'm an old man, I don't like anything but Matlock.

my arteries are fine. I don't HAVE diabeetus, I just get paid to talk about diabeetus.