Art Mullen

Tim, you’re a good kid. You go on and take that vacation with Raylan or solve world peace. Shit, I think you could do it. If it was Raylan, it would be raining bodies when I let him out of the office.

You snipers are so adorable. Remember, I can fire your ass.

You'd make such a cute daddy.

That counts.

Raylan. Tim. Very suspicious of you to bring me a nice cup of coffee today, Raylan. Does that also come with an envelope full of cash? You can leave it on my desk later. Now, can we get on with business?

I scheduled a prisoner transport for tomorrow. I'm still deciding which of you two to give it to. Nice of you boys to volunteer, by the way. Get to work.

What are you talk…you're not proposing, Tim, are you?

Yes. Orders are orders. Rachel, you go home today, and Raylan…you, don't do anything stupid.

When I die of liver failure, I’ll blame you and Tim. I’m putting you and Rachel on the Moran case for now, Raylan. Tim is gonna be Miss Dempsey’s protection detail. I’m afraid someone will make a move on her when word gets out about you and Tim and your expert decisions.

He looked like a cartoon character with a…a dark cloud following him around. There’s also this damn flu…one of the vicious ones. Starts out as a cold, then later there’s fever and nausea, and…

Why, Raylan, I thought you were the one who liked charging into a deadly situation without backup and a plan! Let me stop you right there. Him dead was the worst thing that could happen to our case, and it probably didn’t go over well with the powers-that-be. It is going to be a nightmare for us.

You killed him? You killed him?

You two got a plane to catch. Out. Now.

You know what, Tim? You've been a bit of an asshole lately. You can go with Raylan.

I'm sending you there to look for him.

Okay, we got a lead on the murderer. Last seen in the Bahamas.

Shut up, Tim.

Well, I'm opting you back in. Get moving, Tim. Turns out, the guy you were watching on that stakeout is nowhere to be found. So we've got a murderer and a possible accomplice on the loose. And you two went off and hit someone, who also happens to be tied up with Boyd Crowder somehow. This witness is the only thing we

That's too bad. Just don't ask her out.

As for you, I need you to follow up on the witness in the Frankfort murders.