
A little looser would be nice, definitely. One of the only things I don't like about this reboot is that it doesn’t capture much of Tyson's personality. If you see him in interviews or on Star Talk or whatever, he's excited about what he's talking about, he's funny, he's sarcastic, he's charismatic in a nerdy sort of

I was surprised. I haven't read one of his books in a while, and think of his writing style as being a bit clunky and utilitarian, but parts of that passage were poetry.

Yes! It adds endless wonder to the world; people just need to understand it before they can experience it.

Did your car reject you afterward?

Those little weird sketchy linkspam things fascinate me. I like how they so frequently catch your eye with a graphic that’s bizarre and often offputting, knowing people will feel compelled to click just to know what the hell’s going on. That woman with a foot and ankle for a body is a perfect example. There’s also

I've said before that they should get away from the interview format for this feature. I'll bet a lot of these people could come up with far more coherent and entertaining criticisms of these songs if they had an opportunity to gather their thoughts, rather than someone sticking a microphone in their faces and saying

Rick Rubin.

"Freedom" was the best song they ever recorded.

Oh, man, I lost it when Sagan's voice came on. The whole sequence was unbelievably moving. Evoking strong emotions about science has to be pretty hard to pull off, but they nailed it.

When a person straddles the line like that (and otherwise, really), what generation you belong to can be determined by your attitude and personality. Are you clever, informed, lazy, and skeptical of basically everything? Then you might be a Gen-Xer. Do you have an upbeat attitude and hate thinking about anything?

Wonder Woman changed clothes by spinning around in a circle. I've never been able to get that to work myself.

speech impediment

Since they've both gotten oldish, Bill Murray actually looks a lot like my dad. True story!

They're what the French call les incompetents.

jinx you owe me some coke. (Also yours is more accurate.)


I like the caption for the picture, just sitting there unassumingly being perfect.

I Married a Lifeboat, starring Walter the Farting Dog

band name dibs

Life Itself, the book, is so good, like life-changing good.