
Libertarians. Is there anything they don't know?

Ahhhhh, got it now, thanks.

Wait, what's this now? I don't remember that, and I can't find anything about it.

I think Naked Lunch was Cronenberg's anal sex opus, but this could be considered the co-anus opus.

It was also known under the names Frissons and The Parasite Murders, possibly an even worse and less appropriate title than They Came From Within.

It's weird, because it seems like the sort of thing Cronenberg would be a total snob about. I would expect him to not know or care enough about gaming to nail it so well.

A little too neat if you ask me.

Strike that. Reverse it.

If this show ever seriously does a pot brownies storyline, I might have to excuse myself.

"A million people died in the potato famine. Ireland is an island. An island by definition is surrounded by fish. A million people died because they didn't like fish." - the Belz

Is it smear or schmear?

I haven't even logged in here for several months because it sucks so bad now. True story! I used to be on here like ten hours a DAY.


I was wondering where the hate thread was. Usually it's most of the comments section whenever this guy comes up.

I don't even own a network.

Especially since no one has ever REALLY equated going through five weeks of training for a movie to serving in Afghanistan. Not only is it pandering , self-congratulatory bullshit, it's pandering self-congratulatory bullshit based on a false and dishonest premise.

Yeah, that's outdated information. She's funny as hell lately.

The heck? This is the second reference to Spirit of the Beehive I've heard in two days, and I'd never heard of it in my life until yesterday.

Wow, lot of pointless uninformed hostility here. You seem to argue first on general principle, then flesh out your argument with non sequiturs. It sort of feels like I'm on the rest of the internet instead of the usually reasonable AV Club. Do you seriously teach people about film?

The early parts of Dracula remind me of Freund's The Mummy big-time, mainly in the atmospheric visuals and creepy mood (they even both front-load the creepiest part near the beginning of the movie). Interestingly, I've also heard it observed that the plot of The Mummy is basically a rehash of Dracula.