
Wasn't Marshall singing it at some point, with lyrics?

I didn't notice any of the stuff with the kids, but I read on another forum that one kid was clapping loudly and at the same time fake-yelling with no sound coming out.

LOL. I want to see that happen on the show now.

Someone on here once said she's a cute girl suffering from dad humor, and that's why she's such a good match for Ted. That's how I read that bonkers beautiful line, more than in a quirky-cute way. It sounded like something Phil Dunphy would say.

She's a manic pixie she-gro.

Yeah… could have been.

I'm a very big STP fan and have always thought they didn't get a fair shake, but to say that Weiland wasn't trying to sing like Vedder is just straight-up denial. It's 100% obvious on that entire first album. They started as a funk-rock band (as Mighty Joe Young) because that was big in the time and place they

Smashing Pumpkins were never really considered grunge. I never heard that idea until the 21st century. If anything they were much more closely related to shoegaze, but at the time they were usually just called "alternative rock."

I think even he encouraged that idea a bit in his "public" suicide note, but yeah it was mainly because he was a junkie, and supposedly in intense physical pain due to a stomach ailment, and definitely some clinical depression.

I think it was less to oppose the spandex as just because they were a bunch of dirtbag musicians from the cold-ass Pacific Northwest. The fact that it was so different from what hair metal and pop artists were wearing is just why it was appealing to fans.

That's Matt Cameron. From what I can tell he's a total mensch as well as being one of the greatest drummers around.

The boy bands came after grunge. I mean, there had been earlier ones like New Kids on the Block, but the big boy band boom with Backstreet Boys and N'Sync and 98 Degrees hit in the late 90s, after grunge had come and gone. It was… disappointing.

Same here. It mattered because it brought into mainstream exposure, for the first time in many years, decent popular music, made by real people that a kid could potentially relate to, rather than image-only superstar abstractions. When I see current pop musicians performing on tv today, with their elaborately skanky

Right! Indie rock's lineage didn't come from grunge, though parts of it came from the same roots as grunge. But yeah, the kind of music that people think "matters" had already branched off before grunge hit and was happening concurrently, in the form of stuff like Pavement, etc.

I loved that series. What a fun read, especially if you happen to be pretty much EXACTLY Hyden's age like I do.

From what I understand, China is still as totalitarian as ever, but more capitalist. To a large degree it's a totalitarian capitalist society - the totalitarian machinery left over from when they were purely communist, but with the unchecked exploitation of a nascent capitalist society - basically the most terrifying

I would stick up for Summer of Sam.

On the bright side, c. 1993 Goldie Hawn, in short shorts.

The Rita

Yeah, Stunk & White are doing somersaults.