
Wait, now we hate Patton Oswalt??  I can't keep up with the fashions here.

Fuckin' everything, how does it work?

I'm not familiar with this show at all, but I'm getting a distinct later Daniel Clowes vibe.

You definitely want to keep the spiders around.  If there are spiders, then there are insects of some kind, and the spiders are keeping them under control.  A few years ago I started seeing those house centipedes every once in a while, and at first I was killing them because they look like crawling nightmares, but

I'll bet it was Mike Doughty.

Nah, there are no lady music fans. 

I don't know that that's just the AV Club; all music fans act like they hate music. 

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus - It can be called Must See TV.

@Jay S. - Shoot, this is easy.  Because it's light watching.  There will always be a demand for comedies where you can watch an episode at random without being lost, or leave the room to make some food and still have all the jokes you see land.  I gather a lot of people think its success is because all the big meanies

Yeah, the show's always at its best when they act somewhat like real people, real nerds, and real scientists.  The laser off the moon thing was good, the time they tried to watch the meteor shower was good ( at least until they introduced the pot brownies plot point that has been a cliche on tv shows since the 1970s),

The obvious answer is you should have gone back and talked yourself into a multi-way with the high school girls.

YES.  Exactly, that is it.  If they had the character of Penny playing Dungeons and Dragons with these guys, it would be bad comedy writing to not have her score a few jokes like that. 

Not really.  That joke is not about making fun of nerds, it's about someone scoring a nice burn on one of their friends.  It's no different from Tom Haverford asking Ben Wyatt if for his vacation he's doing a walking tour of the locations for Lord of the Rings, or for that matter any number of non-nerd-based jabs on

From watching that show I've learned all sorts of useful things I can not do around the house.

"I can do what I want.  Ron"

@avclub-01e8318c286a584caffbb596a95652d2:disqus - It really is awful, isn't it?  Not just bad, but offputting.  It makes you not want to know what the album sounds like.

I think of that gag literally every time I hear or see or think anything about the movie Prometheus.

The five percent nation of pointless covers
The five percent nation of cashing in
The five percent nation of being a jerkass!
The five percent nation of CASIOTONE
The five percent nation of CASIOTONE. 

I haven't heard any of the album yet (work), but the descriptions of how bad it is make me wonder if it's one of deals where someone puts out a terrible quickie thing just to retain publishing rights or something.  That would go a long way to explaining the "title," too. 

Well… yeah.  Yeah, they were great.  Ruby Vroom and Irresistible Bliss are two of the best albums of the 1990s.