
Can we set him on fire?

I'll try to make the next one more informative.

Generally speaking, musicians are boring, inarticulate, not very bright, and bad interview subjects.  They basically can't talk about anything but touring and recording, and have a simplistic understanding of anything else. Even the ones who write smart, interesting lyrics usually can't speak or write eloquently to


You had me at spaghetti.

Like what, an aging hip hop geek?

Equivalent to Limousine Liberal?

WhoSampled rules.  Internet crack for hip hop nerds.

I've got money  like Charles Dickens
Got the girlies in the coop like the Colonel's got the chickens

@avclub-97b2d5e5f92c333976018236d76658d9:disqus  - Only under hip hop supervision.  Alright?

Oh yes indeed it's fun time.

i LOVE that guy.  I wanna hang out with that guy.  So exhuberant and charming and clearly in love with the music he's talking about.

Well don't forget that funky-ass beat courtesy of… Black Oak Arkansas.  Yep.

Soon they will all be Billy West.

Yeah, but, yeah, but, Ned going Harlan Ellison all over everyone in town is one of the most perfect comedic scenes I've ever seen on tv, up there with the beginning of the contest in Seinfeld's "The Contest."  "Oh, did I hear the sounds of butting in?  Why it must be little Lisa Simpson!  Springfield's answer to a

Fuck yo' spell check!

People who write for sites like the AV Club probably write about comics a lot more often than they write about comets.  I think he just typed the word his hands are more used to typing. I do that all the time. It can be embarrassing if it's something particularly nerdy or a porno searchword or something.

This received conventional wisdom about how arranged marriages are more successful than marriages in which the people know each other and choose to get married kind of bothers the shit out of me. Why are we being told this?  Is it even true, or is it propaganda against the idea of making your own life choices?  Have

To this day, when I hear the end of "All Apologies," in my mind I hear a HI-LARIOUS radio dj saying "Bang" (because lol suicide, get it?), followed by an abrupt pause button edit, the station's call letters, and the beginning of "Unsung" by Helmet.

Why does this bother you?