
Shut the FUCK up, Donny.

*I* want to hear a funny story!

I had no idea.  Holy shit. That is a genius line.

Amy's got the greatest laugh.  Totally infectious. 

Did you hear he died? 

Or "stain."

Brevity is… wit.

Great White! 

I'm not afraid of ghosts
I'm not afraid of sharks
I'm not afraid of cancer
I'm just afraid of snakes!
They really creep me out
Where are their arms and legs?

I have had it with these motherfuckin' snakes gettin' this motherfuckin' blowjob.

More like ManPretendingToBe Turd Crapley.

"It's a fake wheel, dummy!"

Toby was a great character in the early seasons, when he was smart and usually nice.  So of course later they turned him into a one-dimensional, creepy, pathetic sadsack.

I remember realizing that my dreams for my future would always be dreams and that I was already grown up and living the life I was going to lead.  It's fairly devastating.

I went out on "gangrene" once.  In fairness, I'd never even heard that word before, so my phonetically based guess was a good guess, just… wrong.

It being nonsensical definitely would not faze anybody.  Speeches like that are almost always nonsensical, because they're so low-content.  Most people either tune them out, or more likely convince themselves they're hearing something that means anything (depending on whether they're a Jim or a Dwight).

I've noticed his voice and countenance completely change when he's saying something not completely wrong and stupid.  He sounds so much smarter and more confident.  Like the line to Dwight on the party boat:  "It's a fake wheel, dummy."  It's almost like his stupidity is a put-on, but why?  You really have to hand it

Don't forget that he was also the first Pope to step in after the preceding Pope was pushed out for being too obviously homosexual.

…I'm not a Goonie!

The "Cincinnati" sequence really takes this one into the next level.