A ballpoint banana!
A ballpoint banana!
Yes, but only after Coulsen takes his badge. AND his gun.
Perhaps you prefer for Nolan-esque "bwamp"-ing?
But who would be a worse president? Kevin James, or Mark Cuban?
What's the ruling on fartricide?
Too soon.
The fact that the tried to name the first film "Fun Uncle", when the studios would obviously go for "Fun-cle" suggests the latter.
Damnit, beat me to it.
I thought she was from Qwghlm.
Eh! Steve!
Of course then your (and my own) mental capacity is questioned for why the hell we are rooting for the Brewers, when we have zero hope of fielding a competitive team in the next 5 years minimum.
Just the "n" from "Do or do not". If I could get both the "n" and the "o", I would pay extra.
It's a good thing he retired after finishing The Dark Tower like he said he would. And I say that as a big King fan.
As someone who has struggled with this since learning cursive…yeah, G's suck. Not as bad as Z's though. Those are the worst.
Absolutely nothing! Which is what you are about to become.
Arroyo gets my vote, followed by cove or gulf.
The director looks like he could be Goldblum's younger brother. Or at least his father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.
I really disagree with the take on The Dark Tower. I think a little before that, King included some text describing how the important part of any tale is the journey, not the destination (comparing it to sex IIRC). In that regard, by "restarting" the series as a loop with a tiny difference, it reinforces the journey…