
That painting was in the doctor's office when Walt got his death sentence way back in the pilot.

That was indeed a brilliant transition.

That was indeed a brilliant transition.

I'm old enough to remember "Crystal Blue Persuasion" on the radio in 1969… so using it was so obvious and uncreative. Using Tommy James "Mony Mony" instead would have been MUCH cooler, but I think Gilligan is allergic to rock n' roll.

I'm old enough to remember "Crystal Blue Persuasion" on the radio in 1969… so using it was so obvious and uncreative. Using Tommy James "Mony Mony" instead would have been MUCH cooler, but I think Gilligan is allergic to rock n' roll.

At least Hank has significant LE resources at his disposal. It will be like the Tuco showdown… Dean Norris' finest moment so far. (Watch that firefight again if you disagree). Walt is alive only as long as Fring wants him to be. Once Fring's lab assistant plant knows everything Walt knows… Walt has further no value

Walt is the world's most incompetent criminal. No "moment of stupidity" is beneath him. If this is supposedly a "teacher to Scarface" arc… Walt is no more a sophisticated criminal than Episode One. He's Fring's little bitch. And this episode shows that Jesse is remains equally incompetent… on drugs or not. These guys

Saul is fun, but no more than a cartoon. He has far more leverage than delusional 3-month-to-live Walt… but would launder money at 5%. Saul will have the last laugh here… he's a survivor.

Walt and Jesse are playing with the Big Boys… but they are clueless because they haven't grown from street dime dealer Level One thinking. Walt has 3 months to live "courtesy" of Fring… and Jesse will be also be squashed like the cockroach he is.

We are all Post Modern here. Cooking your books… is just as bad as multiple homicide and large scale meth trafficking… cuz we know ol' Walt has a "good intentions". Just like that dusty US Constitution is irrelevant… because the Progs insist they have "good intentions".

Mr. Clean is my Daddy.

"No rationalizations can mitigate his murderous inaction." Perfect. Besides, I liked Jane. She had personality.

How in the freaking world is Jesse "a liability". Walt is 100% Busted… and therefore a "liability" to everyone else in the freaking TV show. Walt has left a trail of evidence long enough to bust 100 High School Chem Teachers with Delusions of Grandeur. The Loser actually thinks $500,000 is a lot of money. It's petty

Jane was absolutely right to come down HARD on sleazeball Walt.I regret she did not confide in Daddy before checking out. He owed Jesse the money… no ridiculous strings attached. Withholding the money was more a sign of Walt's corruption… than any real concern for Jesse. Let's face it kids, Walt is a Psychopath with

Jane has Hank on speed-dial… and Walt by the balls.

Which one was Combo?

Jesse was scripted to be killed off in Season One… but they kept him around. A meth operation with Jesse as central player is juvenile and laughable and hopeless… as Gustavo explains when an adult arrives on the scene. More adults on the way.

Meth is Jesse's goto drug in any crisis. Some of these posters here havn't gotten up from their TV couch in 20 years. No one "freebases cocaine" anymore… crack replaced all that 20 years ago.

Kristen Ritter is smart and can act. She's way too good for her "stoner friend". Her Dad will not suffer fools like Jesse.

Saul is now every bit involved as Walt. There are surrounded by losers that will talk. They will both do hard time in Federal Prison. How exactly is that "pitch-perfect"? Where does the "hipster" fit into this?