chubby ballerina

Mac Tonight already gave me nightmares.

I got so embarrassed every time I heard Ryan Seacrest call someone a "rocker". I am so embarrassed thinking about it now.

Wow, Bo Bice has the most detailed Wikipedia page I've come across in a long time.

Ryan Seacrest is the horcrux he didn't mean to make. Neither one can live while the other survives.

Congratulations, man. I'm glad it was a good year for at least one person!

Nationwide, 60% of Mormons voted for Trump, which is obviously a majority, but hugely down from the normally 80% that votes Republican.

Hardly. Read the comments on this story in the Salt Lake Tribune or Deseret News and you will find many, many people willing to send her to Siberia. The reaction of my fellow Mormons has been hugely disappointing.


President Obama declared Bears Ears in Utah a national monument today and Jason Chaffetz has steam coming out his ears. Take a look at the land he doesn't want protected: http://www.sltrib.com/home/…

Fateful Findings is on Blu-Ray???

Oh wow, that book review. "Hitler’s repertoire of topics, Mr. Ullrich notes, was limited, and reading his speeches in retrospect, 'it seems amazing that he attracted larger and larger audiences' with 'repeated mantralike phrases' consisting largely of 'accusations, vows of revenge and promises for the future.'"

Omg, such a crush on Hugh and his dorky sarcastic self.

Any time he's interacted with children has been stiff as hell. It's like he's a Victorian parent that sees his children for an hour once a day before they go back to their nanny. Which now that I write it, sounds perfectly accurate to Ivanka's description of her childhood.

I've walked past a few of Trump's gaudy hell-palaces, mostly New York and Vegas, and they all have the same WEIRD ASS vibe to them. I don't know if it's the architecture or the people working there or just that the building has his name on it, but they all have such a depressing, weird vibe. And this was back when he

Mary Tyler Moore, always and forever.

I had the misfortune of using a machine at the gym that was in front of the Fox News tv yesterday. The sound was off, but from what I gather Sean Hannity does not believe this "Hacking Hysteria," as the chyron calls it, and doesn't understand what the big deal is.

White Christmas because Rosemary Clooney.

Miseducation is so, so good. I just listened to it the other week and was surprised at how great every single song is - it came out when I was in middle school and I loved Lauryn's voice but I definitely missed all the subtleties. But seriously. It's so good and if it's the only full album we ever get from her, it's a

I would expect nothing less!