chubby ballerina

It's the second episode of the season. Chill, dude.

Ugh Toby Young. Anyone shines in comparison to him. Remember how he insisted on pronouncing the Ls in paella?

I've wanted to go there! My Chicago friends moved away, though, so I haven't had much reason to get out there lately.

I have no words.

Cara needs to stick to modeling, something she is genuinely good at. She has literally no acting talent.

yeeeeah, it's not like Bin Laden was some unknown entity pre-9/11. Knowing his name in 2000 doesn't make you a foreign policy savant, Commander-in-Cheeto.

I don't know a ton about wrestling, but it seems to have a really high injury rate. That WWE has somehow avoided providing insurance coverage seems beyond shady.

Perfect summation. Bless Gail's Canadian heart, but the "blah blah history, let's talk about the oyster festival!" was particularly tone-deaf.


To me, the interesting parts of true crime stories are where they examine the justice system. It's why something like Making a Murderer was so well-done: it looked at this small-town injustice and tried to illustrate how and why it happened.

That one's not bad. I can't tell if it seems that way because it's actuallygood or if it's just shining in comparison to all the awfulness.

yeah, and it's also not partisan. Most humans find this repulsive.

Seconded, especially with paperbacks. I always felt like a broken spine and torn cover were signs that they were well-loved.

BBC also did a great three-part radio play adaptation awhile back. I listened to it in the week after the election because I wanted to feel even more depressed. Here: http://www.radiodramareviva…

I would not blame Bev at all if she was approached and turned it down. People were awful to her in her season. That said, it would be nice to see her get another chance, free from people like Heather.

CHEF JOSIE never forget. Her headband says so.

Another vote for Top Chef! :)

Again with the not even high-school level understanding of the constitution (not you, Trump). I learned about Texas v. Johnson as a TEENAGER.

So, so disappointed in Romney. While my stupid state ended up going to Trump, it was nice to see someone like Romney stand up to him during the campaign. I wish more Utahns had stuck to their principles.

He's the actual definition of a useful idiot.