chubby ballerina

Didn't he volunteer to be waterboarded at some point? Why did that never happen?

The paid protester thing is so crazy to me. Is it really that difficult to understand that half the country is justifiably worried about the upcoming horrorshow that is a Trump presidency? Do they really think we'd need to be paid to demonstrate against it? And do they really not get that this is literally what the

Agreed. No one wants a gold-plated White House.

Remember, Romney didn't just trash Trump to the general public - he trashed Trump to other rich people. I have a feeling that will put him out of the running.

you really are a piece of crap.

I mean. I know more about how government works than T's children because I paid attention in AP Government in high school.

That sounds amazing.

After three years of surgeries and hospital stays, I've had my longest period of relative health (April-October)! Crohn's Disease is ever with me and is flaring at the mo, but I'm truly grateful for the seven months of this year that I was able to feel strong.

INSANE thought: Sarah Palin has more experience in government than our President-elect.

wait, really?

Thanks to everyone for making this space - I've mentioned before that I'm in a really conservative area and don't have many opportunities to talk with like-minded people IRL. Thanks for making me laugh and keeping me sane. I'll meet you guys on the other side of this tomorrow. <3

Super disappointed if that happens. I liked thinking that my fellow Utahns would make a stand - they would never vote for a Democrat, but third party would feel like an acceptable win.

Not necessarily: "When I mention my horror at the sight of Donald Trump–endorsing New Jersey governor Chris Christie pumping his fist and singing along to the lines "poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king" at a recent concert in Brooklyn, Springsteen laughs until he turns red. When he catches his breath, he

I will never get over Lane Pryce. :(

One hopes.

I've found myself going back to Garrison Keiler's essay from a couple months ago because it is scathing and so cathartic. http://www.chicagotribune.c…

I voted early too - dropped off my mail-in ballot at my local polling station. And I got a sticker! The only thing I miss is chatting with people in line, but I don't know if my heart could handle that this year.

Financially brave.
Financially brave vs. Humayun Khan dying for his country as a first-generation American.
Please let this man lose.

I've had a knot in my stomach all week. Even putting myself on a media blackout hasn't helped. Like, in my heart, I know we'll be okay somehow, but this last week has been excruciating.

What does it take to get an account banned around here?? I haven't blocked J bc his comments need flagging, but the continual obsession with violent imagery is beyond disturbing.