chubby ballerina

Big upvote. Excellent, excellent point.

The funeral hats were everything.

I'm going to hold off judgement on if they're milking Kardashian konnection since it's only the first episode. Also, it's crazy, right? That there's even a connection at all? That a current really really famous person had OJ Simpson threatening suicide in her bedroom?


uselessbeauty mentioned my story upthread, but my principal came on and said "the juice is loose" after the verdict was read. It was a thinly-veiled code so the teachers could know the verdict - we didn't have TVs in our classrooms yet - but as a 10-year-old who was obsessed with the case from the moment that white

A bunch of spells were actually super helpful when studying for the GRE some years back. I swear half the vocabulary list was wizard words.

College Park, b-words.

Ily, PowerThirteen, and your unshakeable Bruce fandom.

The N used to show little behind-the-scenes extras of the cast and they'd always show Jimmy doing his raps. And I always thought "Awww, it's so cute he's trying to be a rapper even though he's on this dorky teen drama" and I still pretty much feel the same way whenever I hear Drake.

Nonononononono. It's 2:30am and my sister just texted the news and I am heartbroken.


I swear she has something truly traumatic happen to her at least three times a season.

Guys I heard something about Leo eating a bison liver or something? Did he get the globe yet?

The Tucci "if your boyfriend were" is my favorite of all.

I was happy to see Eerie, Indiana on there because sometimes I feel like I imagined that show. Why is it not as remembered as AYAOTD?

I've been watching it on Netflix lately. It's very watchable even in the "I know this show is terrible but I think I like the actors" kind of way.

To me he is cute in a way that I want to sit him down at the table with some hot chocolate and ask him what he's learning in school and are the other kids being nice to him. I think I'm younger than him but I guess I want to be his auntie?

I've never seen a better lit laundry room.

hahahahahahahahaha bye

I mean, she's basically a goddess who has decided to live among us and share her gifts of hilarity and charm.