chubby ballerina

The curse of the humanizing backstory. We have to care about them before they're gone!

Poor Frances! Definitely thought she'd last longer (Last Chance Kitchen spoiler: she doesn't win but she's a lot of fun with the trash talk in the kitchen).

Her career has taken a turn for the curious, what with the pop star thing she's been trying lately. I hope she finds a way to right the ship because she was so good in True Grit.

Fair enough!

Thanks! They're all going on my to-read shelf.

Do you have some good book recs? There's so much trash in the genre but the ones that are good are really good.

Was that the show hosted by Charisma Carpenter?

Yeah, zoodles just don't work as a substitute. Give me a zucchini dish or a noodle dish, but don't combine them!

They looked hilarious. Like they were all hanging around in their undershirts, waiting for the mob to show up.

Loved that. Peggy is maybe my favorite?

It's just a UFO, Ed!

The only time I've understood his appeal.

Yes! That album actually started the Bruce love. My sister had been trying to get me to listen to it for quite awhile and it was truly A Moment when I finally did. Like, a "I need to hear every song this man has ever put out what have I been doing with my life not listening to him" moment.

I support procrastination in all forms. I look forward to reading!

Great pick - one of my favorites, too.

i checked the Bravo website and it looks like it's moved to Thursdays. I think the two night thing was just for the premiere.

Thank you! I didn't know if anyone was planning on recapping it, but you've more than got it covered! :) And I totally see the Kwame/Det. Babineaux resemblance.

2015 is officially the Year I Finally Got Springsteen. My parents aren't fans, so I didn't grow up listening to him. I was glancingly aware of his big stuff but never really got into him until this past year. I have no idea if turning 30 did this to me but I am now someone who seeks out live versions on youtube and

Right? And good for her, for just going for a dessert like that.