chubby ballerina

The whole negotiation seemed really silly to me. In this world, B613 can exist without anyone's knowledge, but somehow the President of the United States can't remove a video off some idiot's cell phone?

Yeah, self-righteous Fitz hasn't been missed.

I'm probably a "Melliestan", but I certainly don't think she's a flawless character who can do no wrong. I think she's been a particularly fun character this season and Bellamy Young seems to be having a blast with Mellie's DGAF attitude. I like her as a character who looks like the shiny, perfect political wife but

I didn't know a new season had started until I saw the review! I'm in, as I'm always in for Top Chef, but I haven't watched the ep yet.

She seems to get involved in various internet communities occasionally and inevitably some kind of dramatic thing happens. She was into the Etsy community for a short time before something happened and she started bad-mouthing a seller she'd worked with previously. And I know she was posting on Gothamist awhile ago,

Children should not have haircuts like that.

I still like anything to do with Mellie - her being obsessed with the cliff story, calling in NASA to do trajectory renderings, and basically terrifying that poor investigator from Yosemite by calling him in to a meeting with the First Lady. Bellamy Young played that scene so beautifully. It was the only thing in the

Yes to that. The B613 plot has played itself out so hard. I just rolled my eyes when I saw Charlie all tied up and ready to be tortured.

I LOVED the live-action Dumbo! I think it was called Dumbo's Circus. It had a giant girl cat named Lily who walked the high-wire and I wanted to be her. She wore giant flapper-style feather headbands and sparkly dresses and she walked the high-wire with a tiny umbrella. I was probably 4-5 when that show was on but I

As much as I wish Full House wasn't my answer, it totally is. I loved that show so much, I tried to dress like Stephanie Tanner in elementary school. I remember watching the finale and being so upset it was over that my mom had to explain the concept of re-runs to me. But it was a show made for children and I was a

I remembering having my mind blown watching TNG with my parents. The guy from Reading Rainbow was somehow on another TV show, being not the guy from Reading Rainbow and I could not handle it.

Special Agent Cookie! Nom-nom-ing the darn fine pie! Truly amazing.

I'm the same re: The Simpsons. I saw whatever seasons were re-running in the afternoons when I was in high school, but I often end up googling catchphrases I see around here (perfectly cromulent, ect.).

I was banned from the Simpsons, too. I only caught up with it as a teenager, when my younger brother was watching it because he could watch whatever the hell he wanted.

But his administration would lead the way in transparency.

It doesn't help that it comes right after a really great Hatesong entry a few days ago.

A friend forced me to sit down and watch The Goonies a few months ago because she was so shocked that I never saw it as a kid. While I can see that it would be a fun movie when you're a kid, I just didn't connect with it in any way. I didn't hate it, I just didn't get the undying love of it.

You're too late, friend. My days of romanticizing bus-riders have long passed.

Here's a confession: during my first semester of college, there was a guy who would play John Mayer songs on his guitar while sitting on the grass outside the dorms. He had affected his voice so he sounded like John Mayer when he sang. While I never liked John Mayer, I found this guy attractive and talked to him a few

I'm so done with those two. Huck's intense nose-breathing makes me nauseous.