chubby ballerina

You'd think I wouldn't laugh at this anymore, but I always do.

Completely in with the Chilton-love. I think the cane has really pushed it over the top and into the sublime.

That's the scene I remember most from that episode, too! That lady was so creepy.

Didn't Snake institute uniforms and ID badges to curb the violence or something? I stopped watching around the Jenna/KC try to raise their baby era, but I remember the uniforms. I'm sure it helped, Snake.

My sister and I watched some of the original series episodes in his honor. Poor Wheels.

The Mary Tyler Moore theme song worked its way into being a life approach for me. And I don't care how ridiculous that makes me sound.

I started re-watching FNL recently and the opening credits put me back in Dillon right away. Such a great opener.

The judgmental first lady paintings were amaaaaazing.

There's an episode where Michael York plays the svengali-type who taught Nicole Wallace how to murder and it's probably my favorite of the Nicole Wallace episodes. Basically, Nicole ends up murdering him for Bobby and I love it because it's affectionate in a twisted way.

And yet, my inexplicable crush on him remained.

This is slightly off-topic, but e-readers are generally pretty good for accessibility. E-reader use has gone way up in the senior population that comes to my library because every book has the option of being large-print. Most libraries have a limited selection of physical large-print books, so e-readers offer a

That's all this story is doing for me: making me want to read Watchmen again.

My little cousin is 3 and is a big girl. I don't know if she's considered obese but she wears the same clothes size as her 8-year-old sister, who is tall and thin for her age. They eat the same diet, both go to dance class, everything, but the younger girl is just a big girl. In some cases, it is just genes.

Off topic, but I feel bad for any kid named Forrest the year that movie came out. There was a Forrest in my 5th grade class and PE must've been hell for him, particularly because he was one of the slower runners in class.

Mellie is the best and always my favorite part of the show. Her lunch scene with Olivia was the greatest.

And it won for Best Director, too! That bothered me more than the Best Picture win - of all the nominees, it was the least interesting to look at.

I didn't know it was possible to hate Julie Andrews. She is just made of joy and I've adored since I was a little girl.

I think that's exactly the problem. I enjoyed it, too, when I saw it in the theater. But I was really surprised that it got the Oscar attention it did. It's not much more than a fun story with a great 70s setting.

Did you make it to the chorus? That's the best part. I haven't laughed out loud at a song in a long time, but the chorus got me good.

That happened? Yuck.