chubby ballerina

Oh, haven't you heard? Snopes is super liberal, so don't trust anything on that site. Says my John Bircher uncle.

I was 14 when it came out and my friends and I called it "The [name redacted] Song". [Name redacted] was the kid who asked you to dance and then pressed his rock-hard 14-year-old boner on you the entire time.

@Circumvrent:disqus Good point. Though Nazis are the ultimate villains.

Our vet offered a pick-up service so you didn't have to drive your dog to the clinic. We chose that option for my childhood dog but we all hid downstairs crying while my mom answered the door. I still get sad when I'm sitting at the computer and my old pup isn't laying on my feet, sleeping.

Yes. Just don't be the douche who stood behind me and constantly yelled "NEKO! Have my babies!".

Come on, man. Don't cave so quickly to these STEM people and their useful skills and cool acronyms. We've got to keep some of our dignity.

Gordon is so great. I knew some kids like that, who were just totally fine with themselves and completely practical. I wish I could of been like that.

I think Big Time Rush does a pretty good job being a modern Monkees. As far as a television show goes, if not necessarily musically.

I really like watching TV Land when I was 12-14 and consequently developed crushes on a lot of former teen idols. Mickey Dolenz was my #1 crush in 1997.

Oh, come on. Like you've never been unemployed?

I don't know why ya'll call him Meth Damon when his name is actually Lance.

DANZITIONS. Never forget.

It borders on adorable, how happy it makes Daniel that his friend finally has a girl he likes.

Fik-Shun is certainly better and more versatile than Cyrus. The backlash seems to come from over-praise from the judges, which tends to be where most backlash begins.

@avclub-babd6d735fefaf6f0848082a3a5785de:disqus That is truly devious.

He may have thought Regina would be willing to raise the baby with him - and she was, initially. I think he eventually came around to see that her adoptive parents were able to offer her stability that he couldn't. I don't think he made this decision lightly - it's clearly difficult for him to admit he might not be

She probably wanted to find out how much Hank knew about her own complicity.

Girl wore Louboutins to a massacre. Respect.

I've had that contrast as both cherry Kool-Aid flavor and "banana
milkshake" flavor and I'll report that both are the worst things in the
entire world. And I've had five surgeries, many hospitalizations,
several bowel blockages, and more scopes than I can count.

My sister is watching it for the first time (she promised never to tell me if she didn't like, as it might seriously wound our relationship - fortunately she loves it). We both decided that the in question is super silly but it's forgivable because Landry/Tyra is a great combination.