chubby ballerina

Yes. Yes, I am.

The animation style is fun and the stories are charming. Loved "No Service" with Mickey giving Donald his shoes and pants so they can get fast food.

I'm from the Utah side of the border, near Utah State.

(a soft music bed plays as Patricia Clarkson narrates)
August 14, 2013
Dear Mother,
The battle rages on. Some hope for an alliance with the Beliebers, though I remain unconvinced. There have been too many unkind words exchanged between our camps to hope for such an unlikely coalition.

That was a special, special time in AVC history.

I mean, at least they knew the song was called Baba O'Reily. I guess.

A few things:
The DI is the best, sorry Value Village.

I grew up 20 miles south of Preston and the actual Happy Hands Club (don't remember their real name) came and did an assembly every year in middle school. They wore costumes and did characters and I was always really embarrassed.

Another thing that makes SYTYCD unique is that everyone involved seem to genuinely love dance as an art form. Shows like American Idol don't seem to have that same love of music or vocal performance - it comes off as more cynical and mean-spirited.

You guys need to stop talking about bangs. I've been talking myself out of them for months and my resolve is crumbling.

It's "gay" for men and "feet" for women, generally.

Always a door closing. Also, someone needs to say something vague into a telephone.

It was just cruel. And for the second time this season!

I didn't actually bother to read the byline and was very confused about how David Bowie entered the conversation.

I loved how the CI scene showed how Cameron is part of a different world now - the camera literally cut Melody and Emmett out of frame.

That's definitely Hirst's schtick.

The joke is more that I'm chubby for a ballerina, which is to say I'm not.

The only limited edition flavor I've liked is the Candy Cane Oreos. I think I went through 4-5 packages of those things over the holidays.

That sounds great, honestly. My ten-year reunion is this year and I've been receiving Facebook messages about it since last June. The latest update is that they want to do what's becoming a horrific re-creation of the senior talent show.

I knew a girl in college who came from Idaho. Her high school mascot was a potato wearing a red cape.