chubby ballerina

And that boat only had five passengers.

You guys are amateurs. I'm going to order, like, 20 pizzas and send them to his house!

I'm not sure Tim Riggins is the greatest analog to Jess, but I love that you used a Boy Meets World comparison in the same sentence.

That was the first thing I thought of!

The Weirs are a lot like my family. My parents dated in high school, got married early, had three kids, and are still happy after 30+ years. I know they argued, but they never did it in front of us. We weren't perfect, obviously, but we all got along and love each other. As an adult, my sister is my closest friend.

Swearing is allowed, but "suck" and "shut up" still get glares from my parents and my siblings and I are all grown-ass adults.

As a kid, I had a friend who lived up the street and we weren't allowed to be on the first floor of their house. We had to go in through the garage and to her unfinished basement bedroom. That was only when her mom didn't lock her out of the house for the day. (I found out later that my mom seriously considered

I somehow missed it, too. The Bookmobile must not have had a copy or something.

She's one of the most frequently challenged authors for several decades now. ALA's Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books for the early 2000s has her at #16, 43, 87, and 99. (http://www.ala.org/advocacy… ) The specific places she's been banned or challenged aren't listed but it's always interesting to see what books offend

That's awesome! Did they win for "Uprising" in particular?

I keep waiting for John to have his moment where he loses some of his worse attributes (must admit, I have residual dislike of him simply due to hating Joe McCoy from FNL). It's got to happen eventually, right?

I get a little nostalgic anytime someone mentions the Law & Order thread.

The ignorance comes from John, generally. I think Kathryn genuinely wants to do the right thing, but her point of view is very different than Regina's. She actually made a good point that there are other ways to build character other than suffering - Bay and Toby still have to work, even if they don't need the money.

The Great Gatsby

Ra-Ra-Ras-pu-tin, Russia's greatest love machine!

Anyone who thinks this situation is contrived was never a teenage girl. I tried to break into a boy's locker when I found out my friends had delivered the secret note they'd dared me to write. Eighth grade is rough, guys.

Poor Bob just seemed so damned earnest, I can't ascribe any other intent.

@avclub-600a51b7602a94be94712bbf272284a2:disqus The difference is that Bob went digging for that information on Pete. The other things were part of his "always be around so you're there at the right time" strategy.

Isn't that the constant refrain of everything involving Sally?